Respiracy Theory

Respiracy Theory

Friday, 10 August 2012

If you say "I am" followed by any more words, then you have created an insane-slave persona

The only exception is "I am that I am".

Take "I am hungry." So you're an adjective-word? Are you sure? Other languages say "I have hunger." Better, but still fraud. Btw the Portuguese word for "hunger" is "conforme".

The root of all suffering is thinking you are a name. Even your persona is not a name. It is a sigil which will either be credited and defended by your Word-Spirit, or it will be hijacked and stripped of everything you think it is. If you think it's you, then you will be stripped - of health, joy, wealth and spirit.

 If you think you are a name on a piece of paper, then what happens when you hand this piece of paper to someone else? You may be bought and sold. You may be shut up in storage. You may be used to wipe somebodys arse.

Speak of yourself in the third person, or say "we". Ruinur does. You are not a name or a word, but you do make and credit many names, titles, masks, images. So do it. Knowingly. Play around, make fun.

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