Just in the same way that all disease has the same source/cause (indigestion, leading to filling up with shit from the inside until the body/mind suffocates and starves), so the "enemy" out there is all the same crowd. Jews, sodomites, bull-queers and butt-pirates, the actors' toilet-trading guilds, the Flying Circus, the puppet "governments" and "CEOs", Jesuits, paedo-priests of all religions (re-lesions), copraphiliacs, prostitutes, and so on. They're the same characters, in varying degrees of degeneration, blackmail-leverage and acting ability. And they're also the Corybantean-Atlantean tribe who got found out some 500 years ago and decided to wipe the slate clean, create a false circus-history and do it all over again.
They are all the effete version of MAN. They are all of woman, but they are not women per se, but the more degenerate gravy-eating form. You can spot a shit-eating grin from a way off. Most likely Jewish men are sterile, or at least not interested in women anyway, and not able to get much pleasure from the act due to having been circumcised and so four-fifths of the pleasure being taken away.
"Then too, homosexuality also seems to be related to circumcision... a study was made of admissions to a large Naval hospital. Of all admissions, 32% had been circumcised. Of all admission with the diagnosis of "overt homosexuality," 100% had been circumcised." John M. Foley, M.D.
A remarkable practice to visit on a newborn. Some ask whether infants can feel pain. Ruinur is tempted to answer in a physical manner. But then, that just might be... a bit gay.
Masculine sexual energy being taken away means they are less potent, less sharp, more crowd-like, and just generally more child-like. This makes their only "outlet" their "inlet", and makes them fascinated with children who they so resemble. Rather like pinching a vine at the bud, taking away the foreskin at birth arrests any kind of development of the critical masculine spirit, and then sodomy will stimulate their faecal fascination. So their unions require the seductive Jewess to cuckold-whore around with gentile MAN so she can replicate herself - like putting her out to stud. Does nobody ever think to ask why it is through women that Jewishness is supposedly passed? We can see then that its a chronic physiological phenomenon, and nothing to do with religion or race.
It's because woman as the barren clone can only clone herself, but requires the energy of MAN to do so. Men stopped being picky, stopped picking legitimate queens to mate with, so ended up humping a bunch of worker bees.
No doubt the empty echo of the age will cry out victimhood and anti-semitism, which is an age-old tactic and justified their phony holocaust-broadcast. More to the point, these views are anti-goyim, for if the goyim are deceived by the jews, then let them be deceived. This is a sound maxim of law, as anyone who has ever tried to "wake up" others knows. Peoples' readiness to see comes from within, and if they start to ask the right questions then they are ready. Teutons may be the greatest race we know of, but we are so often trusting fools, and this has been a deadly fault.
Not that the world is actually as bad as its made out; every news outlet (Jewish) cries bloody murder, and makes it all up. There's no spies, violent crime, viruses, nuclear weapons and perhaps not even any wars, just the odd building flattened here and there: instead there's just a bunch of very camp, very queer men and fag-hags buggering each other. Its not that bad at all; but in everyday interactions with people, where so much of the worth of life is to be harvested, it is that bad, in fact its far WORSE than the Flying Circus makes out. In their show-presentations, life in the city is all smart young men and women dressed well, talking fast, with massive apartments, with jobs that are either well-paid or amusing or what they were always meant to do in some artisanal sense; leisurely sleeping around and drinking endless cups of high-priced coffee.
The reality is that all small to medium sized towns and cities are zombie black holes of deadness and clones; this is less so in big cities like London and New York which still have fresh fish coming in all the time with stories from all over the planet. But go to, say, Cardiff city centre on a Friday night and see what you think of our social lives. The last three times Ruinur encountered UK students while in a bar - and these are the future! - we left with the impression that they seem genuinely retarded. And, god forbid you go to the suburbs - where even the will to die goes to die.
We currently feel that the Talmud and the Protocols are fake; but even so anyone with even half an alertness can see Jewry everywhere in the circus-fiction stuck in everyones' faces/faeces. Plus we've encountered Jews, who do have a curious sense of superiority, even when being friendly. They're quite streetwise (and don't they just know it!); they are "people persons" (crap phrase, that), but they only ever see what you can get, not what can be made.
Still, they get much right - not many Jews would be stupid enough to be suckered into the kind of slavery
that other races consent to. Get them to dig the holes, right? Its not like all that sweaty labour or cubicle chain-ganging is doing the world a bit of fucking good, is it? So they kind of ape the old (correct) aristocratic notion that all that is of value in life is effortless - except, as always, kind of subvert it and get everyone else to do slavery. Which isn't the point, either.
Ruinur's been genuinely good friends with gays, who also have this sense - one old guy even expressing astonishment that Ruinur was "beautiful" and "brilliant" and yet not putting from the rough. Weirdly, in this topsy-turvy situation, some of the best men Ruinur has met have been gays. The funniest, the most switched-on; whereas straight men seem to be bitch-boys in varying degrees, so acting more gay than the gays. Out-gaying the mincers; a bit like Liam Gallagher, an over-compensatory act of trendy arrogance which just screams sodomy-lust.
Kind of funny how the men are conditioned to fancy men (the tranny supermodels) and women conditioned to fancy queers (just about everyone in the public eye). What women is going to go after the "straight guys" we see now? They're all varying degrees of queer - the gays are just the most cool about it - and of course women want a chase, not the sex-starved hungry bitch-boy-lapdog-cuckolds who display their underpants and ask permission to live and breathe in their presence.
Certainly then the disease confronting humanity now, which is in an advanced stage, is the same as the cause of bodily disease - humanity is filling up with shite from inside, and there is more shit than blood. It's an issue of consumption and indigestion.
Analogously, "rising money supply", or inflation, is actually a lack of debt (faeces)-dissolving. The debt is there, and the corresponding credit also, but the credit is not meeting the debt for set off and clearing; there is something barring its way. In the case of the body it is mucus. In the case of society it is the jew-qabal. In the case of the finance environment it is continued discharge to a future date with bailment tokens; or banknotes.
So this situation continues, and the funny-notes are demanded more and supplied more, while less and less is actually getting paid for; in fact the debt continues to rise and sits there waiting for release. Exactly the same as faeces/mucus/pathogens/disease in the body.
So the blood becomes poorer and poorer, just as the funny-money becomes poorer and poorer, and the circulation must increase, organs heat up, vessels start to burst and haemorrage, and the body inflates just as "money inflates", which is simply a poverty of the body/mind which is ignorant of how to credit the body as it is a poverty of the society-group which is now ignorant of how to credit the currency.
Credit cards have created a fake, and frankly disastrous wealth, as it first seems that more credit is created, but of course it just creates even more debt, and with these illusory "interest rates", so it is compounded.
To add to which it's stupid people spending "money" on stupid things, plus it's women who have no idea how value is created or what is worth seeking or procuring. So things of value are no longer created, and things of value are destroyed - and we have now the utterly stupendous fact that history has been completely fabricated by the guild at the center of all this.
At least we've hit bottom. I remember the very silly Richard Dawkins once saying something to the effect of, if there were a God, how can there be phenomena like the beetle who gets paralysed by a wasp and gets eaten alive from the inside by its larvae. Well, that's humanity right now. Men and women rot alive from the inside out, as does our society. Even getting tortured by Jack Bauer would be better, as it would be over quicker. And these days, many "men" and "women" might even enjoy it.
Still, the truer stories now emerging are actually wondrous, once you get past the shock of revelation; and the Golden Age is now truly upon us.
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