Respiracy Theory

Respiracy Theory

Thursday, 13 September 2012

how we swallow the sun

Okay, so a chemtrail theory. So the Vulture Circus worship the rotting sun, right? Especially when its the lens for Sirius. And the sun, rather than shining, actually extracts light, heat, dead water and other impurities, okay?
So. The National say, "there's no saving anything, now we're swallowing the shine of the sun." I do enjoy listening to the priests talk to us through pop culture. Especially when they sound a bit miffed.
So, the shine of the sun or all impurities, are being swallowed. So soon the sun will cool down, seemingly, but in a very nice way. I mean, take egypt. They probably caused the flood there,right? and now theres no water left.
So how to keep up the heat to fed the sun? well, could always put a layer of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, as it will remain there or 1-2 years after a single spraying, apparently. Thats according to defra.
insane? you betcha. but the kind of thing they would do? well, they want things to remain as they are, i guess. they have a hunger for friction (faeces) just like the sun.
of course, even if it did succeed for a time it would just be delaying the inevitable. there would be a cool
layer above the blanket, and the imbalance would surely fall apart in some way.
btw, it is hilarious the way they do these things. you know, the "well there's a problem cos this thing is
happening." and then they go and cause that thing with their "solution."
It's not icke's problem-reaction-solution. it's fiction-problem; real-problem applied as "cure" with much fanfare; and outcome of fucked-upness which media are utterly silent about so the sheep deny is even happening. Vaccination, terrorism, cancer, war, pederasty, crime, and so on.
Then at some point they'll re-engineer history so that the fiction-problem is forgotten, and you're just left with the real problem but everyone thinks its okay cos its "always been that way."
So they've been saying for ages, about global warming. so they go and cause global warming, under the guise of solving it. Pretty funny.
Relates to the whole pawn way of thinking. Like, something real is pledged. something fake is given in exchange. So whats happened is that the bailee has become secured creditor; which is to say a creditor (bailor has now become a debtor with respect to the bailment tokens which are currency, and there is an interest charge as well) who also holds a security interest in the pledge, ie in the real thing.
nice game for the pawn shop.
Who'd be a Pawnor? Folks, that's what happens when you get involved in contracts without knowing who you are. It's Trust Time.

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