Respiracy Theory

Respiracy Theory

Friday, 21 September 2012

running away with the circus

We may take the piss out of the Flying Circus and their Priests, and may even aim the odd bit of invective over there. But the deeper truth is that we are so utterly grateful to them; they are our guardian angels. Who else  is out there, telling us to get the fuck out of commerce? Who else is showing so clearly the absurdity of living as the undead? Who is poking fun at us, saying, "what the fuck are you doing man? We're turning this shit up to crazy and you're still swallowing this shit! Youre still running around like little bitches saying you're a name or a birth certificate or that the CIA is watching you, or that there's a government which either loves you or wants you dead..."
It's insanity. It's idolatry. It's death.
It's a serious business they're involved in. And they're doing it with balls (ironically for eunuchs) and wit and style, and no little talent. Was I the only one to start admiring these actors after Ed Chiarini's revelations? Too bad he's taking it as a cue to write to congressmen and change laws on running for office, and all that nonsense. Wake up guys! There's NO... FUCKING... GOVERNMENT. ANYWHERE. ANY, FUCKING WHERE. They're fucking ACTORS, for fuck's sake. And even if they weren't actors, they would still be actors, do you see that? And all you Americans, you can't stop rabbiting the fucking mantra of bill of rights, constitution, declaration of independence... Did you write those fucking documents and sign them? Then why the fuck do you keep talking about them? What have they got to do with you, for Christ?
You're sucked into commerce, you think it's real. How the fuck did you ever get persuaded that pieces of paper and plastic shit made in China is real? That schools for children are a great idea? That wars are necessary and inevitable? That you are to give away the hours of your life and lifeblood to a corporation in exchange for exactly zero? And how the flying fuckity fuck did you ever get persuaded to stick needles of poison in your children, by Fucking God?

It's so clear now that the enemy is not the Flying Circus or the Priests. Or even the TV. The enemy is your parents, your family, your friends. All who would drag you into Zombie land. You're not going to change them, they're gone. And if you will not see that, the enemy is you. That's the real meaning of Romero's little morality tales. If you don't leave them you will die. And you didn't come here to do that.

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