Respiracy Theory

Respiracy Theory

Monday, 3 September 2012


male on female rape is all but impossible. the unprepared and resisting vagina is far, far harder to penetrate than an anus. theres a ring of muscle there that pulls tight. to get past it would be a logistical nightmare, when you have to deal with flailing legs, biting, scratching and whatnot. you'd need shackles, accomplices who are strong, a gag,but more than that, an actual man who wants to have sex wouldnt even come close to wanting to do this crap.
a man cant get it up unless theres a pretty good environment of peace and some very succulent sexual vibes being given off by her. its to do with smell, and touch, and all the other senses that arent even spoke about or recognised.
or are you still under the jew-pression that there are only 5 senses?
theres a reason that all so-called rape used to be considered a consenting act. its becuase it is.
just try it. you'll see pretty quickly. youve been conditioned.
male on male rape, on the other hand, is commonplace.
kind of fits in with the jew-gay bull-queer mindset, doesnt it?

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