Hurricane Sandy - another fake event. A drill, a staged piece of theatre from 1997 by the flying circus in time for Samhain.
Respiracy Theory
Respiracy Theory
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Monday, 8 October 2012
nigh hill ism
The avergae westerner will state that he doesnt believe anything. and she will certainly say that she is no fool and falls for no nonsense, and wants things "scientifically proven"!
the truth of this matter, of course, is that she believes anything and everything that is impressed with a sufficient gentle pressure into her body when she isn't looking, which is most of the time as people have no bodily awareness anymore. she will fall for anything insinuated with the least bit of will, and in her craven hunger for will, commits the most deplorable acts upon herself and her children.
Btw what is there to say about "science"? Or "zions"? It's the new name for the Angel of Death, the Word of Authority that metes out death to the deplorable, to the weak and infirm, the effete. The triumph of evil over the self-tyrannical, and so be it.
the truth of this matter, of course, is that she believes anything and everything that is impressed with a sufficient gentle pressure into her body when she isn't looking, which is most of the time as people have no bodily awareness anymore. she will fall for anything insinuated with the least bit of will, and in her craven hunger for will, commits the most deplorable acts upon herself and her children.
Btw what is there to say about "science"? Or "zions"? It's the new name for the Angel of Death, the Word of Authority that metes out death to the deplorable, to the weak and infirm, the effete. The triumph of evil over the self-tyrannical, and so be it.
stoking the hamster wheel
Interesting how in far more than 99% of cases people, immediately after rising, seek to consume something. Pref as many things as poss, and pref though the mouth. food, hot drink, cigarette, TV, radio, strong light... often all at same time!
How much better to breathe, perhaps hum or stay totally silent, to apply some cold water, perhaps to stretch, and to just stand, or just sit, for a time. reflect on the dreams just past. Restate your dominion if you wish. Watch your thoughts, watch your breath.
How much better to breathe, perhaps hum or stay totally silent, to apply some cold water, perhaps to stretch, and to just stand, or just sit, for a time. reflect on the dreams just past. Restate your dominion if you wish. Watch your thoughts, watch your breath.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
It is often said that Brits love an underdog.
This of course makes sense, as Britain is about the most Jewish plalce in the world, more so even than Israel (It's the New Jerusalem, as has been known since at least the time of Blake. And it's never mentioned in just about any corner of society, just as you would expect of a place overrun with the High Backroom-backdoor-eunuch-molders).
And they do love a temple dog under them. Oh yes.
This of course makes sense, as Britain is about the most Jewish plalce in the world, more so even than Israel (It's the New Jerusalem, as has been known since at least the time of Blake. And it's never mentioned in just about any corner of society, just as you would expect of a place overrun with the High Backroom-backdoor-eunuch-molders).
And they do love a temple dog under them. Oh yes.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
naughty gods
Reading Homer and Julian Jaynes gives one the impression that there was a time, really very recently, when our actions were entirely governed by voices in the head, and these voices had to be obeyed. This was the gods, speaking to each body who was really an empty vessel for the voices to play with, as sport. Jaynes makes it pretty clear that this was a real thing and not a metaphor.
Combining this with the fact that we know nothing at all about history before 1600, and precious little about history since, there are some interesting hypotheses.
The statutes of the private trusts are these days taken as "god" by most. People worship money, but money is a trust, bonded by the private trusts at the top of the legal-fiction pyramid.
Gods lost their ability to speak directly to people as they once did, but their legacy remains. Some with schizophrenia still experience it, as with that guy who got told to drown himslef in the ocean cos he was a good-for-nothing. Well, turns out the voice was right cos he didn't even manage to accomplish that.
Most people still appear to want the Gods to order them around, and so that's what they get.
It's not as if the Gods, as we hear about them today, appear to have been a particularly noble lot. They seem to be a pretty wild lot, fucking and playing cruel jokes and meting out cruel and unusual punishments.
Seems someone higher that them stepped in and changed things somehow.
Could be related to Atlantis. Who knows. Will we ever know?
Anyway it appears that we now have the chance to join forces with this higher power, and we can do so by acting as God, ie by creating our own law, showing we are capable. Other than that, the Old Annoying Gods are going to do the governing, and that never appeared to turn out very well for the Man.
Combining this with the fact that we know nothing at all about history before 1600, and precious little about history since, there are some interesting hypotheses.
The statutes of the private trusts are these days taken as "god" by most. People worship money, but money is a trust, bonded by the private trusts at the top of the legal-fiction pyramid.
Gods lost their ability to speak directly to people as they once did, but their legacy remains. Some with schizophrenia still experience it, as with that guy who got told to drown himslef in the ocean cos he was a good-for-nothing. Well, turns out the voice was right cos he didn't even manage to accomplish that.
Most people still appear to want the Gods to order them around, and so that's what they get.
It's not as if the Gods, as we hear about them today, appear to have been a particularly noble lot. They seem to be a pretty wild lot, fucking and playing cruel jokes and meting out cruel and unusual punishments.
Seems someone higher that them stepped in and changed things somehow.
Could be related to Atlantis. Who knows. Will we ever know?
Anyway it appears that we now have the chance to join forces with this higher power, and we can do so by acting as God, ie by creating our own law, showing we are capable. Other than that, the Old Annoying Gods are going to do the governing, and that never appeared to turn out very well for the Man.
Friday, 21 September 2012
running away with the circus
We may take the piss out of the Flying Circus and their Priests, and may even aim the odd bit of invective over there. But the deeper truth is that we are so utterly grateful to them; they are our guardian angels. Who else is out there, telling us to get the fuck out of commerce? Who else is showing so clearly the absurdity of living as the undead? Who is poking fun at us, saying, "what the fuck are you doing man? We're turning this shit up to crazy and you're still swallowing this shit! Youre still running around like little bitches saying you're a name or a birth certificate or that the CIA is watching you, or that there's a government which either loves you or wants you dead..."
It's insanity. It's idolatry. It's death.
It's a serious business they're involved in. And they're doing it with balls (ironically for eunuchs) and wit and style, and no little talent. Was I the only one to start admiring these actors after Ed Chiarini's revelations? Too bad he's taking it as a cue to write to congressmen and change laws on running for office, and all that nonsense. Wake up guys! There's NO... FUCKING... GOVERNMENT. ANYWHERE. ANY, FUCKING WHERE. They're fucking ACTORS, for fuck's sake. And even if they weren't actors, they would still be actors, do you see that? And all you Americans, you can't stop rabbiting the fucking mantra of bill of rights, constitution, declaration of independence... Did you write those fucking documents and sign them? Then why the fuck do you keep talking about them? What have they got to do with you, for Christ?
You're sucked into commerce, you think it's real. How the fuck did you ever get persuaded that pieces of paper and plastic shit made in China is real? That schools for children are a great idea? That wars are necessary and inevitable? That you are to give away the hours of your life and lifeblood to a corporation in exchange for exactly zero? And how the flying fuckity fuck did you ever get persuaded to stick needles of poison in your children, by Fucking God?
It's so clear now that the enemy is not the Flying Circus or the Priests. Or even the TV. The enemy is your parents, your family, your friends. All who would drag you into Zombie land. You're not going to change them, they're gone. And if you will not see that, the enemy is you. That's the real meaning of Romero's little morality tales. If you don't leave them you will die. And you didn't come here to do that.
It's insanity. It's idolatry. It's death.
It's a serious business they're involved in. And they're doing it with balls (ironically for eunuchs) and wit and style, and no little talent. Was I the only one to start admiring these actors after Ed Chiarini's revelations? Too bad he's taking it as a cue to write to congressmen and change laws on running for office, and all that nonsense. Wake up guys! There's NO... FUCKING... GOVERNMENT. ANYWHERE. ANY, FUCKING WHERE. They're fucking ACTORS, for fuck's sake. And even if they weren't actors, they would still be actors, do you see that? And all you Americans, you can't stop rabbiting the fucking mantra of bill of rights, constitution, declaration of independence... Did you write those fucking documents and sign them? Then why the fuck do you keep talking about them? What have they got to do with you, for Christ?
You're sucked into commerce, you think it's real. How the fuck did you ever get persuaded that pieces of paper and plastic shit made in China is real? That schools for children are a great idea? That wars are necessary and inevitable? That you are to give away the hours of your life and lifeblood to a corporation in exchange for exactly zero? And how the flying fuckity fuck did you ever get persuaded to stick needles of poison in your children, by Fucking God?
It's so clear now that the enemy is not the Flying Circus or the Priests. Or even the TV. The enemy is your parents, your family, your friends. All who would drag you into Zombie land. You're not going to change them, they're gone. And if you will not see that, the enemy is you. That's the real meaning of Romero's little morality tales. If you don't leave them you will die. And you didn't come here to do that.
Who's Your Daddy
People have got to stop calling these characters "government"! Call them "The Public", or "The Corporations"! Or if you're talking about these eunuch actors who are re-presented as being Lords and Kings, call them "The Flying Circus." If you're talking about the Gypsy-Guild Illusionist-Priests, say so. Government is You, don't keep calling them government, because if you do then it will be true for you.
The world of The Terminator already happened. The Truman Show already happened. Bladerunner already happeened. The Matrix, 1984, Brave New World already happened. All those Sci-Fi Dystopias already happened.
Everybody gave away their natural rights to become machines, subservient to dead entities. The machines won the battle.
But we are still here. And we can go back to Eden anytime we wish, like Dorothy in Oz. Not in a group, but individually,
We are the Gods of Eden.
The world of The Terminator already happened. The Truman Show already happened. Bladerunner already happeened. The Matrix, 1984, Brave New World already happened. All those Sci-Fi Dystopias already happened.
Everybody gave away their natural rights to become machines, subservient to dead entities. The machines won the battle.
But we are still here. And we can go back to Eden anytime we wish, like Dorothy in Oz. Not in a group, but individually,
We are the Gods of Eden.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
how we swallow the sun
Okay, so a chemtrail theory. So the Vulture Circus worship the rotting sun, right? Especially when its the lens for Sirius. And the sun, rather than shining, actually extracts light, heat, dead water and other impurities, okay?
So. The National say, "there's no saving anything, now we're swallowing the shine of the sun." I do enjoy listening to the priests talk to us through pop culture. Especially when they sound a bit miffed.
So, the shine of the sun or all impurities, are being swallowed. So soon the sun will cool down, seemingly, but in a very nice way. I mean, take egypt. They probably caused the flood there,right? and now theres no water left.
So how to keep up the heat to fed the sun? well, could always put a layer of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, as it will remain there or 1-2 years after a single spraying, apparently. Thats according to defra.
insane? you betcha. but the kind of thing they would do? well, they want things to remain as they are, i guess. they have a hunger for friction (faeces) just like the sun.
of course, even if it did succeed for a time it would just be delaying the inevitable. there would be a cool
layer above the blanket, and the imbalance would surely fall apart in some way.
btw, it is hilarious the way they do these things. you know, the "well there's a problem cos this thing is
happening." and then they go and cause that thing with their "solution."
It's not icke's problem-reaction-solution. it's fiction-problem; real-problem applied as "cure" with much fanfare; and outcome of fucked-upness which media are utterly silent about so the sheep deny is even happening. Vaccination, terrorism, cancer, war, pederasty, crime, and so on.
Then at some point they'll re-engineer history so that the fiction-problem is forgotten, and you're just left with the real problem but everyone thinks its okay cos its "always been that way."
So they've been saying for ages, about global warming. so they go and cause global warming, under the guise of solving it. Pretty funny.
Relates to the whole pawn way of thinking. Like, something real is pledged. something fake is given in exchange. So whats happened is that the bailee has become secured creditor; which is to say a creditor (bailor has now become a debtor with respect to the bailment tokens which are currency, and there is an interest charge as well) who also holds a security interest in the pledge, ie in the real thing.
nice game for the pawn shop.
Who'd be a Pawnor? Folks, that's what happens when you get involved in contracts without knowing who you are. It's Trust Time.
So. The National say, "there's no saving anything, now we're swallowing the shine of the sun." I do enjoy listening to the priests talk to us through pop culture. Especially when they sound a bit miffed.
So, the shine of the sun or all impurities, are being swallowed. So soon the sun will cool down, seemingly, but in a very nice way. I mean, take egypt. They probably caused the flood there,right? and now theres no water left.
So how to keep up the heat to fed the sun? well, could always put a layer of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, as it will remain there or 1-2 years after a single spraying, apparently. Thats according to defra.
insane? you betcha. but the kind of thing they would do? well, they want things to remain as they are, i guess. they have a hunger for friction (faeces) just like the sun.
of course, even if it did succeed for a time it would just be delaying the inevitable. there would be a cool
layer above the blanket, and the imbalance would surely fall apart in some way.
btw, it is hilarious the way they do these things. you know, the "well there's a problem cos this thing is
happening." and then they go and cause that thing with their "solution."
It's not icke's problem-reaction-solution. it's fiction-problem; real-problem applied as "cure" with much fanfare; and outcome of fucked-upness which media are utterly silent about so the sheep deny is even happening. Vaccination, terrorism, cancer, war, pederasty, crime, and so on.
Then at some point they'll re-engineer history so that the fiction-problem is forgotten, and you're just left with the real problem but everyone thinks its okay cos its "always been that way."
So they've been saying for ages, about global warming. so they go and cause global warming, under the guise of solving it. Pretty funny.
Relates to the whole pawn way of thinking. Like, something real is pledged. something fake is given in exchange. So whats happened is that the bailee has become secured creditor; which is to say a creditor (bailor has now become a debtor with respect to the bailment tokens which are currency, and there is an interest charge as well) who also holds a security interest in the pledge, ie in the real thing.
nice game for the pawn shop.
Who'd be a Pawnor? Folks, that's what happens when you get involved in contracts without knowing who you are. It's Trust Time.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
It's a pet theory of ours that thoughts manifest themselves as dust, and old thoughts and old dust converge and settle on certain surfaces, along with loose hair.
Now, there are certain "negative spaces" which attract dust. Televisions and electrical wiring. Incense sticks. And people.
The association with hair is interesting. It tells us that hair is an antenna for receiving and transmitting thoughts and feelings of those around us, or those who have been there before us.
Now, there are certain "negative spaces" which attract dust. Televisions and electrical wiring. Incense sticks. And people.
The association with hair is interesting. It tells us that hair is an antenna for receiving and transmitting thoughts and feelings of those around us, or those who have been there before us.
First Acts of the New Crown
There are many reasons to say that the ridiculous pharma industry is best as is, is perfect, because all those useless eaters are going to do everything to wreck their health and those around them, so why not just let them speed up the process and let them go to their graves forthwith. But Ruinur must admit that vaccination is nonetheless one of the most unsettling of all manifestations of this. No doubt Bill Gates, that grinning flying-monkey vacant idiot posing as a savant, that suited card-carrying eunuch member of the international actors' guild, has done more than most to push the idea that vaccination is a very clever thing.
See, blood is the center of a person's... well, everything. Health, body, mind, vitality, good humour, wit - the lot. And to stick a needle through the skin and fill the blood, not only with foreign matter, but a cocktail of dead material, chemicals which are not found in living organisms, and heavy metals, is... remarkable. But further than this, the neutralisation of the man and the training of women and mothers has made them actually queue up to have this done to their children. Helpless children, at such a crucial juncture in their lives. So trusting of their parents, so helpless to make good sound decisions. And, to have so many of the things! Babies have sometimes a dozen of the things, almost all at once. The barbarity of this is almost beyond comprehension. (hmm, bar...)
Of course, the germ theory was built to bring the ancient superstitions of evil spirits and the like into the techno-era, and like I said one could argue that they deserve all that's coming to them. But this mutilation of children, as with circumcision and pederast rings, is surely a place we are to draw the line? Adults (meaning, corrupted and useless pseudo-men and pseudo-women) can go ahead and do whatever to themselves. But given that they do not "own" their own children and hence can not legally sign off on such treasonous acts, is it not an area for the Crown to step in?
That's us, by the way.
See, blood is the center of a person's... well, everything. Health, body, mind, vitality, good humour, wit - the lot. And to stick a needle through the skin and fill the blood, not only with foreign matter, but a cocktail of dead material, chemicals which are not found in living organisms, and heavy metals, is... remarkable. But further than this, the neutralisation of the man and the training of women and mothers has made them actually queue up to have this done to their children. Helpless children, at such a crucial juncture in their lives. So trusting of their parents, so helpless to make good sound decisions. And, to have so many of the things! Babies have sometimes a dozen of the things, almost all at once. The barbarity of this is almost beyond comprehension. (hmm, bar...)
Of course, the germ theory was built to bring the ancient superstitions of evil spirits and the like into the techno-era, and like I said one could argue that they deserve all that's coming to them. But this mutilation of children, as with circumcision and pederast rings, is surely a place we are to draw the line? Adults (meaning, corrupted and useless pseudo-men and pseudo-women) can go ahead and do whatever to themselves. But given that they do not "own" their own children and hence can not legally sign off on such treasonous acts, is it not an area for the Crown to step in?
That's us, by the way.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
The Crown
Then, following in the steps of Sir William Markby, I ventured to say that this corporation sole has shown itself to be no “juristic person,” but is either a natural man or a juristic abortion.
Is it really so terrible to welcome multiple income streams… or
multiple lovers? Can we not simply relax and allow our desires to show
up, without presenting a list of fear-based demands that constricts the
Can you allow yourself to receive through all parts of the spectrum of potential, including the bands that expose your limiting beliefs and make you feel vulnerable and afraid? If you can do that, you will soon forget what it’s like to experience scarcity.
Steve Pavlina (also recommended - his 10 reasons you should never get a job)
Can you allow yourself to receive through all parts of the spectrum of potential, including the bands that expose your limiting beliefs and make you feel vulnerable and afraid? If you can do that, you will soon forget what it’s like to experience scarcity.
Steve Pavlina (also recommended - his 10 reasons you should never get a job)
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Women's love
Could it be that men must save themselves from the love of women?
It's the mothers' love that sent Ruinur to school. That sends out their sons to die in wars. That do not understand how not to operate under the brothel-system of pawnage and bondage - or rather, DO understand, and only that.
It's a woman's love that nags and harrasses and shit-tests her man at every opportunity. That tried many times to make Ruinur feel utterly guilty about living his life to the fullest.
Could it be that a woman's love is dys-love, is scorn? The love of Cybele, that would be surrounded by eunuchs.
It's obvious to any man who's lived a day in his life that you will only be served faithfully by a woman when you treat her... well, rather like a dog. Tolerate her, treat her with amused mastery. Sneer at her jokes and she'll get wet. Hell, if you face-palm her onto the floor she'll try to hump your leg.
Rather different to man's love. One can truly sympathise with the gay view that men are for love and women for breeding. Kids for pleasure, well perhaps, but not in the way they seem to mean it.
It's the mothers' love that sent Ruinur to school. That sends out their sons to die in wars. That do not understand how not to operate under the brothel-system of pawnage and bondage - or rather, DO understand, and only that.
It's a woman's love that nags and harrasses and shit-tests her man at every opportunity. That tried many times to make Ruinur feel utterly guilty about living his life to the fullest.
Could it be that a woman's love is dys-love, is scorn? The love of Cybele, that would be surrounded by eunuchs.
It's obvious to any man who's lived a day in his life that you will only be served faithfully by a woman when you treat her... well, rather like a dog. Tolerate her, treat her with amused mastery. Sneer at her jokes and she'll get wet. Hell, if you face-palm her onto the floor she'll try to hump your leg.
Rather different to man's love. One can truly sympathise with the gay view that men are for love and women for breeding. Kids for pleasure, well perhaps, but not in the way they seem to mean it.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
trust law the engine and the remedy for social engineering by very degenerate types
Now no doubt our free foundation of charitable institutions has had its dark side, and no doubt we discovered that some supervision by the State of the administration of charitable trust funds had become necessary, but let us observe that Englishmen in one generation after another have had open to them a field of social experimentation such as could not possibly have been theirs, had not the trustee met the law’s imperious demand for a definite owner. Even if we held the extreme opinion that endowed charities have done more harm than good, it might well be said of us that we have learned this lesson in the only way it could be learnt.
How much longer are people going to volunteer to be the trustees of the public corporations? Just how fucked do things have to get?
How much longer are people going to volunteer to be the trustees of the public corporations? Just how fucked do things have to get?
But it was of “the Publick” that we were speaking, and I believe that “the publick” first becomes prominent in connexion with the National Debt...
“Whereas,” said an Act of 1786, “the Publick stands indebted to” the East India Company in a sum of four millions and more.
What is the Publick which owes the National Debt? We try to evade that question. We
try to think of that debt not as a debt owed by a person, but as a sum charged upon a
pledged or mortgaged thing, upon the Consolidated Fund.
One of our subterfuges has been that of making the king a trustee (vel quasi) for
unincorporated groups. Another of our subterfuges has been that of slowly
substituting “the Crown” for King or Queen.
Frederic Maitland, Collected Papers
“Whereas,” said an Act of 1786, “the Publick stands indebted to” the East India Company in a sum of four millions and more.
What is the Publick which owes the National Debt? We try to evade that question. We
try to think of that debt not as a debt owed by a person, but as a sum charged upon a
pledged or mortgaged thing, upon the Consolidated Fund.
One of our subterfuges has been that of making the king a trustee (vel quasi) for
unincorporated groups. Another of our subterfuges has been that of slowly
substituting “the Crown” for King or Queen.
Frederic Maitland, Collected Papers
You are the NWO, now
The Crown = Government = The State (the word) = United States (united words) = United Nations (united births) = Commonwealth = The Sovereign = The King = Natural Man = Creditor of the Public Trust = You.
Many people are making the mistake of thinking the Crown is the Queen of England, or the Vatican, or a corporation at the Temple Bar in Fleet Street. That's nonsense. It's none of these. It's you, when you say it is. This is legal fact.
Many people are making the mistake of thinking the Crown is the Queen of England, or the Vatican, or a corporation at the Temple Bar in Fleet Street. That's nonsense. It's none of these. It's you, when you say it is. This is legal fact.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?
Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
Interesting in context of the endless torrent of garbage from every corner of the medes: listen to your heart. follow your heart. and what if your heart leads you right down that same sewage pipe they love so much.
The heart is a valve and a source of friction. No doubt it has a purpose, which right now I can't see, but it ain't the source of motion of the blood - that's quite obviously the lungs and specifically the negative space that Schauberger identified. But don't listen to your fucking heart. Listen to your lungs. Listen to your liver. Listen to your breath.
That's another one, too. Love. Which today appears to mean some kind of dishonest lust. Fucking SICK of that word.
Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
Interesting in context of the endless torrent of garbage from every corner of the medes: listen to your heart. follow your heart. and what if your heart leads you right down that same sewage pipe they love so much.
The heart is a valve and a source of friction. No doubt it has a purpose, which right now I can't see, but it ain't the source of motion of the blood - that's quite obviously the lungs and specifically the negative space that Schauberger identified. But don't listen to your fucking heart. Listen to your lungs. Listen to your liver. Listen to your breath.
That's another one, too. Love. Which today appears to mean some kind of dishonest lust. Fucking SICK of that word.
Monday, 3 September 2012
male on female rape is all but impossible. the unprepared and resisting vagina is far, far harder to penetrate than an anus. theres a ring of muscle there that pulls tight. to get past it would be a logistical nightmare, when you have to deal with flailing legs, biting, scratching and whatnot. you'd need shackles, accomplices who are strong, a gag,but more than that, an actual man who wants to have sex wouldnt even come close to wanting to do this crap.
a man cant get it up unless theres a pretty good environment of peace and some very succulent sexual vibes being given off by her. its to do with smell, and touch, and all the other senses that arent even spoke about or recognised.
or are you still under the jew-pression that there are only 5 senses?
theres a reason that all so-called rape used to be considered a consenting act. its becuase it is.
just try it. you'll see pretty quickly. youve been conditioned.
male on male rape, on the other hand, is commonplace.
kind of fits in with the jew-gay bull-queer mindset, doesnt it?
a man cant get it up unless theres a pretty good environment of peace and some very succulent sexual vibes being given off by her. its to do with smell, and touch, and all the other senses that arent even spoke about or recognised.
or are you still under the jew-pression that there are only 5 senses?
theres a reason that all so-called rape used to be considered a consenting act. its becuase it is.
just try it. you'll see pretty quickly. youve been conditioned.
male on male rape, on the other hand, is commonplace.
kind of fits in with the jew-gay bull-queer mindset, doesnt it?
Is Real.
Not that tough, is it? God's chosen people to test the sheep.
Play with reality. Put out filth and see who buys it.
Sell = program.
It's nothing to do with money. Money doesn't exist. Settle with your brother.
It's late in the day. These cunts were never funny. They are due a lesson in what is truly real.
Is Real.
Not that tough, is it? God's chosen people to test the sheep.
Play with reality. Put out filth and see who buys it.
Sell = program.
It's nothing to do with money. Money doesn't exist. Settle with your brother.
It's late in the day. These cunts were never funny. They are due a lesson in what is truly real.
So, what've we got? (dons sherlock/john HOLmEs cap)
Sometime around 1600 or the late 1500s, there was a kind of triumph over the whole planet of the merger of trust, commercial and contract law, and these principles got codified in cloaked form as the king james version. some profound truths, some drivel. all disguised, and mixed with a lot of profound astrological truths and truths related to sex and drugs as well. all the wellspring of the good stuff, in other words.
so, a few people knew the score. they lived a good life and passed on the good life to their offspring. but then there was an element that got hold of it. a kind of family of actors, cybelean cultists. the jews. they decided, that since the world was already belonging to anyone who asserted their claim, they would test a few people. make them doubt their divinity. take the piss, have a giggle. they became the priests, the holy bullshit artists. they fabricated a new absurd history. Came up with the holy bullshit conglomerate of religion/science/politics/monarchy/medicine/media.
And theyve done a pretty good job, havent they? all things considered. but you know the one thing they can never touch?
yup, its law.
Now, where are those guys with free energy at? Time to give a little, fellas.
"Get inside their clothes with my green gloves
Watch their videos in their chairs
Get inside their beds with my green gloves
Get inside their heads, love their loves"
Sometime around 1600 or the late 1500s, there was a kind of triumph over the whole planet of the merger of trust, commercial and contract law, and these principles got codified in cloaked form as the king james version. some profound truths, some drivel. all disguised, and mixed with a lot of profound astrological truths and truths related to sex and drugs as well. all the wellspring of the good stuff, in other words.
so, a few people knew the score. they lived a good life and passed on the good life to their offspring. but then there was an element that got hold of it. a kind of family of actors, cybelean cultists. the jews. they decided, that since the world was already belonging to anyone who asserted their claim, they would test a few people. make them doubt their divinity. take the piss, have a giggle. they became the priests, the holy bullshit artists. they fabricated a new absurd history. Came up with the holy bullshit conglomerate of religion/science/politics/monarchy/medicine/media.
And theyve done a pretty good job, havent they? all things considered. but you know the one thing they can never touch?
yup, its law.
Now, where are those guys with free energy at? Time to give a little, fellas.
"Get inside their clothes with my green gloves
Watch their videos in their chairs
Get inside their beds with my green gloves
Get inside their heads, love their loves"
There's only one race of men. But its represented by forms and families in various stages of dysgeneration and eugeneration. There's precious little eugeneration around these days, but if you want to find it just look for the beautiful women and strong men. Hint: Brazil is an interesting place.
Useless eaters and intestinal fortitude
Into the third month of flexible fasting fruitarianism, and shite continues to flood out of Ruinur. Inspecting our poo this morning, we saw little creatures jetting their way around the surface of the toilet water. Nice. And who's to say these little bastards haven't been influencing our very thoughts?
20kg less, and the beginnings of a six-pack stomach for the first time in our life. And having bought a blender, lots of lovely watermelon juice to quaff. A quick look at the old irises (iridology is amazing, you've got to try it, go to that goldmine that is shows that there's still a lot of encumbrance in the stomach and intestines, and little white strands that indicate some kind of upcoming healing crisis for the kidneys. And our emotions are a little edgy, there's some anger welling up for certain things, and family who have just been batshit-crazy their whole lives and would rather like to drag Ruinur with them if they can. Still, Ruinur has never been stronger. How can you not be strong when you know you want for nothing and are limitlessly healthy and wealthy, all you gotta do is give your word and make a claim?
20kg less, and the beginnings of a six-pack stomach for the first time in our life. And having bought a blender, lots of lovely watermelon juice to quaff. A quick look at the old irises (iridology is amazing, you've got to try it, go to that goldmine that is shows that there's still a lot of encumbrance in the stomach and intestines, and little white strands that indicate some kind of upcoming healing crisis for the kidneys. And our emotions are a little edgy, there's some anger welling up for certain things, and family who have just been batshit-crazy their whole lives and would rather like to drag Ruinur with them if they can. Still, Ruinur has never been stronger. How can you not be strong when you know you want for nothing and are limitlessly healthy and wealthy, all you gotta do is give your word and make a claim?
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Confucious say, I'm a Londoner, innit
Thee Flying Circus love their jokes; but what we're wondering is, hasn't the joke worn a bit thin for them? I mean, they already programmed everyone to think the world is a globe floating through space, so how can they top that? Well, there is the alien thing - which is well underway and ironically being pushed hardest by the "truth movement" - with the "Mars landings" and UFOs etc.
But there's plenty of other ways they continue to go about it. Take China, which is just a British outpost for some of their drug deals and propaganda. All so-called ancient Chinese writings and inventions are a forgery. They've been a servile, small, weak race forever; the joke is that they are being made by the flying circus to look like these great athletes and inventors and producers. C'mon guys. Pull the other one. The "Olympians" are actors and jugglers for the Flying Circus. By the way, if you don't see that the Olympics is just a stage show, a scripted play, just look at some of the names of the actors. Destiny Hooker (a black girl). Newdick. Freimuth (free mouth). I mean, really? D'you really think your (third) leg isn't being pulled?
There's the population faeces too. China supposed to be a sleeping giant militarily and economically with all those people. And yet we hear about all these "ghost towns". The truth is, the population is probably nothing like what they say. It's probably more like the population of the UK. You can see you're being sold a lemon when there's global news coverage of traffic jams in Chinese cities. Yeah, traffic jams. So there must be, like, so many of the fuckers, yeah? Wow, so fucking crowded, so many of the little Chinks. They're gonna, like, totally take over the world. Cos there's pictures of cars on a road on TV. Now I gotta go take a shit.
It's a real estate scam, it's a ploy to get entrepreneurs to move to China, to set up some bollocks programming-industries there, so they can have an even bigger "economy". The Circus knows that to program somebody you do it by telling them what they are, not how they are to be. So yes, eventually, life will imitate art, and ultimately it will become what they say it is now.
But they are a small-dicked, suspicious and conniving, and yet incredibly gullible and malleable, effeminate race of slaves. Kind of like Jews but less clever; and like blacks but less physically impressive.
The nation is basically a giant battleship Potemkin; a bit like the Koreas its really a place where the flying circus gets them to spy on each other and especially on outsiders who aren't members of the circus.
They can also be seen as the degenerate form of the Japanese - who, although physically degenerate in some ways, and not capable of original thought like some western races, nevertheless hold onto some cultural characteristics from an earlier age. A finer patriarchy still seemingly has roots there.
Notice that the flying circus made sure that Korea got the first two "world records" of the games; and also made a big thing of the "wrong flags" being used "by mistake" and it "causing great offense." Not at all scripted. Not at all making it look like North korea is real country. And indeed making it look like South Koreans give a shit, and don't just do what they are told; which they of course do. Theodore Dalrymple (real name?) once wrote a piece on North Korea which basically tells us that the whole nation is a film-set. I liked it when Madeleine Albright said that Kim Yong Il "stayed on top of his brief." By brief, read script. And no doubt, he had one or two guys on top of him at some point. Who is supposed to believe that North Korea is a nation in the way "they" say? There's apparently a German conspiracy theory which says that South Korea is a made-up country. Perhaps they meant North Korea. We're pretty sure we heard of people going there on holiday, plus they had the Olympics there, too, once. Plus we knew a guy (a complete wanker) who said his parents were from there.
Are there "men" in China? ie individual thinkers? We are supposed to believe that they were once this really inventive race, and then just stopped and haven't done anything for 2000 years. And have you seen the fuckers? The Chinese have to have their own little towns to huddle together in when they get shipped somewhere. There's a Chinatown in every town thanks to the Circus (what, you think it was masculine initiative from the Chinese that put them there, and not all co-ordinated by the Circus?). Japanese tourists are a worldwide joke, the way they flock around with their cameras and gadgets and other sex-replacement-toys.
Although Ruinur doesn't really want to say this, because he still has sentimentality in him, some of the worst, most despicable people he's ever encountered in his personal life have all been half or full-blooded Chinese, Korean, or Japanese boys/"guys." (Not "men") Further, he has not met a single one such guy he liked in any way. Not one! And we assure you, Ruinur has been around. He's been outside the house, oh yes. And he's a good guy, he wants people around him to be cool. That's why he gets a bit mad sometimes. The guys were just always a bit... sinister. At best. If Ruinur meets a good one, he will be willing - indeed he will be very happy! - to retract this last bit. The one positive, much as in Thailand, was that the women from these regions tend to go gaga for him, and are often pretty cute - which is to say they are not nasty-minded whales like Western women.
Ruinur remembers his uncle living in Singapore and him remarking, rather uncharacteristically, that all the Chinese there were "racist" and acted "like spies." Kind of sums it up. Their God ain't Buddha, it's the BBC. And who will say that England is not the same, and that the typical male there is not fast becoming as loathsome?
But there's plenty of other ways they continue to go about it. Take China, which is just a British outpost for some of their drug deals and propaganda. All so-called ancient Chinese writings and inventions are a forgery. They've been a servile, small, weak race forever; the joke is that they are being made by the flying circus to look like these great athletes and inventors and producers. C'mon guys. Pull the other one. The "Olympians" are actors and jugglers for the Flying Circus. By the way, if you don't see that the Olympics is just a stage show, a scripted play, just look at some of the names of the actors. Destiny Hooker (a black girl). Newdick. Freimuth (free mouth). I mean, really? D'you really think your (third) leg isn't being pulled?
There's the population faeces too. China supposed to be a sleeping giant militarily and economically with all those people. And yet we hear about all these "ghost towns". The truth is, the population is probably nothing like what they say. It's probably more like the population of the UK. You can see you're being sold a lemon when there's global news coverage of traffic jams in Chinese cities. Yeah, traffic jams. So there must be, like, so many of the fuckers, yeah? Wow, so fucking crowded, so many of the little Chinks. They're gonna, like, totally take over the world. Cos there's pictures of cars on a road on TV. Now I gotta go take a shit.
It's a real estate scam, it's a ploy to get entrepreneurs to move to China, to set up some bollocks programming-industries there, so they can have an even bigger "economy". The Circus knows that to program somebody you do it by telling them what they are, not how they are to be. So yes, eventually, life will imitate art, and ultimately it will become what they say it is now.
But they are a small-dicked, suspicious and conniving, and yet incredibly gullible and malleable, effeminate race of slaves. Kind of like Jews but less clever; and like blacks but less physically impressive.
The nation is basically a giant battleship Potemkin; a bit like the Koreas its really a place where the flying circus gets them to spy on each other and especially on outsiders who aren't members of the circus.
They can also be seen as the degenerate form of the Japanese - who, although physically degenerate in some ways, and not capable of original thought like some western races, nevertheless hold onto some cultural characteristics from an earlier age. A finer patriarchy still seemingly has roots there.
Notice that the flying circus made sure that Korea got the first two "world records" of the games; and also made a big thing of the "wrong flags" being used "by mistake" and it "causing great offense." Not at all scripted. Not at all making it look like North korea is real country. And indeed making it look like South Koreans give a shit, and don't just do what they are told; which they of course do. Theodore Dalrymple (real name?) once wrote a piece on North Korea which basically tells us that the whole nation is a film-set. I liked it when Madeleine Albright said that Kim Yong Il "stayed on top of his brief." By brief, read script. And no doubt, he had one or two guys on top of him at some point. Who is supposed to believe that North Korea is a nation in the way "they" say? There's apparently a German conspiracy theory which says that South Korea is a made-up country. Perhaps they meant North Korea. We're pretty sure we heard of people going there on holiday, plus they had the Olympics there, too, once. Plus we knew a guy (a complete wanker) who said his parents were from there.
Are there "men" in China? ie individual thinkers? We are supposed to believe that they were once this really inventive race, and then just stopped and haven't done anything for 2000 years. And have you seen the fuckers? The Chinese have to have their own little towns to huddle together in when they get shipped somewhere. There's a Chinatown in every town thanks to the Circus (what, you think it was masculine initiative from the Chinese that put them there, and not all co-ordinated by the Circus?). Japanese tourists are a worldwide joke, the way they flock around with their cameras and gadgets and other sex-replacement-toys.
Although Ruinur doesn't really want to say this, because he still has sentimentality in him, some of the worst, most despicable people he's ever encountered in his personal life have all been half or full-blooded Chinese, Korean, or Japanese boys/"guys." (Not "men") Further, he has not met a single one such guy he liked in any way. Not one! And we assure you, Ruinur has been around. He's been outside the house, oh yes. And he's a good guy, he wants people around him to be cool. That's why he gets a bit mad sometimes. The guys were just always a bit... sinister. At best. If Ruinur meets a good one, he will be willing - indeed he will be very happy! - to retract this last bit. The one positive, much as in Thailand, was that the women from these regions tend to go gaga for him, and are often pretty cute - which is to say they are not nasty-minded whales like Western women.
Ruinur remembers his uncle living in Singapore and him remarking, rather uncharacteristically, that all the Chinese there were "racist" and acted "like spies." Kind of sums it up. Their God ain't Buddha, it's the BBC. And who will say that England is not the same, and that the typical male there is not fast becoming as loathsome?
Monday, 20 August 2012
The furry sex
One of the many circus-myths has been that women are romantic, fluffy, nurturing types. Any man who has spent a day in his life in any real contact with women knows this is an outright fairy tale. Women are the weaker sex, yes, in just about every respect they are inferior. But the best women are wise. And wisdom is not what the mythmakers say, either. Wisdom is streetwise, it is cunning. It is awareness of the game. Women, in short, are streetfighters. Woe betide he who cons a woman. Hell hath no fury, etc.
Men, amazingly, got convinced that they were supposed to chase women. Even though the most cursory glance at society shows women to be the hunters and choosers. After all, good men have presumably always been hard to find, and usually already have their own harem. So be it.
Women are in many ways harder to fool than men, because they have a hard logic. At least, its very hard for a man to con a woman. A woman, on the other hand, can con another woman. Notice the way women always watch other women in public, and on TV they always watch what other women are doing, what kind of guy they go for, and so on. That's why shows like Sex and the City are so insidious and do such a good job of whorifying and fag-hagging women.
So the worms have pushed the story that women go for men with money for a long time now. They'd love to make it so that were really true. Of course, it never has been true. Women have been very resistant to it, despite everything. In a sense then they've been a final line of defense against the worm. Men have been decimated (although the spirit of Man is deathless, and will return in one form or another). But women are are still holding on by a thread. That's despite the full frontal assault on them; their streetfighting spirit remains intact, and that's why the worms hate them.
Men, amazingly, got convinced that they were supposed to chase women. Even though the most cursory glance at society shows women to be the hunters and choosers. After all, good men have presumably always been hard to find, and usually already have their own harem. So be it.
Women are in many ways harder to fool than men, because they have a hard logic. At least, its very hard for a man to con a woman. A woman, on the other hand, can con another woman. Notice the way women always watch other women in public, and on TV they always watch what other women are doing, what kind of guy they go for, and so on. That's why shows like Sex and the City are so insidious and do such a good job of whorifying and fag-hagging women.
So the worms have pushed the story that women go for men with money for a long time now. They'd love to make it so that were really true. Of course, it never has been true. Women have been very resistant to it, despite everything. In a sense then they've been a final line of defense against the worm. Men have been decimated (although the spirit of Man is deathless, and will return in one form or another). But women are are still holding on by a thread. That's despite the full frontal assault on them; their streetfighting spirit remains intact, and that's why the worms hate them.
Just a fluke
We think we've uncovered the true source of mankind's river of shit.
Flukes. Worms. Some kind of unidentified human parasite. The real Original Sin.
We remember Eustace Mullins once wrote a whole book on the Jew as a social parasite. And we're not going to argue with that - but are going one step further and saying that the whole Flying Circus thing is actually caused by a very real parasite working its way up the food chain. And with man its reached the top, and it wants to invent gods so it can infect them, too. See those Masons beckoning to the skies at the Olympic ceremony?
Sounds like science fiction? No doubt. It has been observed in nature. Zombie ants. They infect cows. But who eats the cows? Why should mankind be immune?
It's like Castaneda said: They give you their minds! And who can deny these people think like the worms that live inside them?
Flukes like to take residence in the liver. Also bile ducts. And of course colons. And if they get to go up the back toroid and into the base of the spine, who's to say what they can do with the central nervous system?
The funny thing is, everything slips into place with this explanation. Sodomy (the poison apple). Colonisation. The faecal fascination. The pederasty fascination (which otherwise just makes no sense at all) - get 'em young! The homosexual thing: Queer media, queer politics, queer business, queer academia. Gender-swapping. Chemtrails (contain nematodes and fluke-like worms). Gay "queens." "Gay colon". The takeover of powerful men through the "spinal tap", ie "initiation". Use of women as breeders and fag-hags. The wandering Jew-circus (zombie ants, trojan horses - and btw that story is obviously bullshit but an illustration of how they think). The seductive Jewess. The passing of characteristics through the woman. How we think our identity is our mind/body (the worms most definitely want us to think that!). The worship of the sun (the Big Rotter). Amnesia, illusion, mimicry. Schooling. Farming (now there's a parasite activity if ever there was one! The whole activity of agriculture has always been one that laid waste to the earth, and we see now the ultimate rationale). The notion that we've got to go somewhere, got to do something, that we're lacking, that we sin. Their insistence on sex organs being at the mouth and anus. Communism and the hive mind, the need for a Queen. Sterilisation and pharma-death to useless eaters. Morbid feelings like guilt, hunger and sexual tension. The Romero movies, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, Alien. The way it was all never about money or wealth per se, but some other indefinable thing, what they called the "ineffable". Systemic disease through mucus encumbrance, and meat-eating. Serpent imagery from scripture, and the oroborus (In Brazil the Uruburu is a bird, a kind of vulture). Worship of the Black Sun. Everything you ever read in scripture or the occult all reduces to worship of the anus, as a kind of toroidal portal of life for these white angels of death. Indeed, everything you ever see in the media is the same, and the logos they use for corporations.
In short, humanity right now is suffering the fallout from a parasite-induced cataclysm, and there is today not a single man or woman who is not infected. Of course, there are varying degrees of zombification.
Do the Flying Circus know that's what they are? Of course not. They just know that they're doing their acting jobs, have a giggle, and generally have the notion that the are gods of a kind, that they are God's chosen people. And in a sense, they are right. They are the Children of the Sun, in the respect that the Sun is the ultimate destroyer, the king of rotting. Lord of the Flies. The coming of Sirius is loved by these guys because, when focused with the sun, the dog days of Summer are ever associated with inflammation, with decay, rioting, chaos and so on. That's what they're all about. They don't have those vulture noses for nothing. It's heaven for them. The Age of A-queer-ius.
Still, when you know it's all a big show, and you don't actually need anything in life, except the odd piece of fruit (no not that kind, damn), you need not concern yourself with anything much. Okay, maybe a good stock of smokes (roll your own - they flush out the parasites) and a decent collection of wine. Booze is medicinal. You can detox, love by the moon and wait for the worm to eat itself.
Flukes. Worms. Some kind of unidentified human parasite. The real Original Sin.
We remember Eustace Mullins once wrote a whole book on the Jew as a social parasite. And we're not going to argue with that - but are going one step further and saying that the whole Flying Circus thing is actually caused by a very real parasite working its way up the food chain. And with man its reached the top, and it wants to invent gods so it can infect them, too. See those Masons beckoning to the skies at the Olympic ceremony?
Sounds like science fiction? No doubt. It has been observed in nature. Zombie ants. They infect cows. But who eats the cows? Why should mankind be immune?
It's like Castaneda said: They give you their minds! And who can deny these people think like the worms that live inside them?
Flukes like to take residence in the liver. Also bile ducts. And of course colons. And if they get to go up the back toroid and into the base of the spine, who's to say what they can do with the central nervous system?
The funny thing is, everything slips into place with this explanation. Sodomy (the poison apple). Colonisation. The faecal fascination. The pederasty fascination (which otherwise just makes no sense at all) - get 'em young! The homosexual thing: Queer media, queer politics, queer business, queer academia. Gender-swapping. Chemtrails (contain nematodes and fluke-like worms). Gay "queens." "Gay colon". The takeover of powerful men through the "spinal tap", ie "initiation". Use of women as breeders and fag-hags. The wandering Jew-circus (zombie ants, trojan horses - and btw that story is obviously bullshit but an illustration of how they think). The seductive Jewess. The passing of characteristics through the woman. How we think our identity is our mind/body (the worms most definitely want us to think that!). The worship of the sun (the Big Rotter). Amnesia, illusion, mimicry. Schooling. Farming (now there's a parasite activity if ever there was one! The whole activity of agriculture has always been one that laid waste to the earth, and we see now the ultimate rationale). The notion that we've got to go somewhere, got to do something, that we're lacking, that we sin. Their insistence on sex organs being at the mouth and anus. Communism and the hive mind, the need for a Queen. Sterilisation and pharma-death to useless eaters. Morbid feelings like guilt, hunger and sexual tension. The Romero movies, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, Alien. The way it was all never about money or wealth per se, but some other indefinable thing, what they called the "ineffable". Systemic disease through mucus encumbrance, and meat-eating. Serpent imagery from scripture, and the oroborus (In Brazil the Uruburu is a bird, a kind of vulture). Worship of the Black Sun. Everything you ever read in scripture or the occult all reduces to worship of the anus, as a kind of toroidal portal of life for these white angels of death. Indeed, everything you ever see in the media is the same, and the logos they use for corporations.
In short, humanity right now is suffering the fallout from a parasite-induced cataclysm, and there is today not a single man or woman who is not infected. Of course, there are varying degrees of zombification.
Do the Flying Circus know that's what they are? Of course not. They just know that they're doing their acting jobs, have a giggle, and generally have the notion that the are gods of a kind, that they are God's chosen people. And in a sense, they are right. They are the Children of the Sun, in the respect that the Sun is the ultimate destroyer, the king of rotting. Lord of the Flies. The coming of Sirius is loved by these guys because, when focused with the sun, the dog days of Summer are ever associated with inflammation, with decay, rioting, chaos and so on. That's what they're all about. They don't have those vulture noses for nothing. It's heaven for them. The Age of A-queer-ius.
Still, when you know it's all a big show, and you don't actually need anything in life, except the odd piece of fruit (no not that kind, damn), you need not concern yourself with anything much. Okay, maybe a good stock of smokes (roll your own - they flush out the parasites) and a decent collection of wine. Booze is medicinal. You can detox, love by the moon and wait for the worm to eat itself.
Cornflake Girl
Never was a cornflake girl
Thought that was a good solution
Hanging with the raisin girls
She's gone to the other side
Givin us a yo heave ho
Things are getting kind of gross
And I go at sleepy time
This is not really happening
You bet your life it is
Thought that was a good solution
Hanging with the raisin girls
She's gone to the other side
Givin us a yo heave ho
Things are getting kind of gross
And I go at sleepy time
This is not really happening
You bet your life it is
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Sing Us a Song
So we know that the Flying Circus (plague of locusts?) has a dark sense of humour. But it was still with some surprise that we discovered that all the music we thought we loved as a teenager is not only shite, but it's lyrically all about the same thing:
Raping and murdering children, or being sodomised.
And this theme continues to this day.
Let's look at some music of the 'nineties:
Pearl Jam, Animal:
One, two, three, four, five against one
Five, five, against one
Torture from you to me
Abducted from the street
I'd rather be I'd rather be with I'd rather be with an animal
Why would you wanna hurt me? Oh Oh, so frightened of your pain
Cool, man. *Does hand-horns thing*
Pearl Jam, Blood:
Spin me round, roll me over, fuckin' circus Stab it down, one way needle, pulled so slowly
Drains and spills, soaks the pages, fills their sponges It's my blood, it's my blood
Paint Ed big, turn Ed into one of his enemies
It's my blood, it's my blood, it's my blood
Stab it down, fill the pages, suck my life out Maker of my enemies,
take my Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
Pearl Jam, Daughter:
Don't call me daughter, not fit to The picture kept will remind me
Don't call me
She holds the hand that holds her down
Nirvana, Smells Like Teen Spirit:
She's over bored
And self assured
Oh no, I know
A dirty word
hello, how low?
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
Nirvana, In Bloom:
Sell the kids for food (fast food rumoured to contain meat from lost kids, btw)
Weather changes moods
Spring is here again
Reproductive glands
We can have some more
Nature is a whore
Bruises on the fruit
Tender age in bloom
Nirvana, Lithium:
I like it
I'm not gonna crack
I miss you
I'm not gonna crack
I love you
I'm not gonna crack
I killed you
I'm not gonna crack
Nirvana, Polly:
Polly wants a cracker
Think I should get off of her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
{Polly said}
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
Nirvana, Heart Shaped Box
Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back
Nirvana, Rape Me (kind of self-explanatory):
Rape me, my friend
Rape me again
I'm not the only one
Do it and do it Again
Waste me
Taste me, my friend
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Soundgarden, Like Suicide:
Heard it from another room
Eyes were waking up just to fall asleep
Love's like suicide
Dazed out in a garden bed
With a broken neck lays my broken gift
Just like suicide
And my last ditch
Was my last brick
Lent to finish her
Finish her
With eyes of blood
And bitter blue
How I feel for you
I feel for you
She lived like a murder
How she'd fly so sweetly
She lived like a murder
But she died
Just like suicide
Pearl Jam, Alive
Oh, she walks slowly, across a young man's room
She said I'm ready...for you
I can't remember anything to this very day
'Cept the look, the look...
Oh, you know where, now I can't see, I just stare...
Is something wrong, she said
Well of course there is
You're still alive, she said
Oh, and do I deserve to be
Is that the question
And if so...if so...who answers...who answers...
Pearl Jam, Deep
Oh, on the edge of a know-nothin' town
Feelin' quite superior, the aged come
To the sky above he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks a burning knife deep, yeah...
Ooh, can't touch the bottom
In too deep, yeah...uh huh, can't touch the bottom
In too deep...
On the edge of a Christmas clean love
Young virgin from heaven...visiting Hell
To the man above her, she just ain't nothin'
And she doesn't like the view
She doesn't like the view (2x)
But he sinks himself deep
Oh, can't touch the bottom
In too deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Can't touch the bottom
Deep, yeah
Oh, the bottom
Pearl Jam, Release
Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me
I'll open up...Release me...
Release me (3x)
Nirvana, Scentless Apprentice
Like most babies smell like butter
his smell smelled like no other
he was born scentless and senseless
he was born a scentless apprentice
Go away - get away, get away, get a-way
every wet nurse refused to feed him
electrolytes smell like semen
I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets
there are countless formulas for pressing flowers
I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms
Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume
You can't fire me because I quit
Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit
Heart-Shaped Box
She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for a week
I was drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black
Milk It
I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins
Doll steak, test meat
I won my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my shit
My shit is her milk
Doll steak, test meat
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Obituary birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery
Mr Big (says it all), To Be With You
Stand up, little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on, baby, come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you'll feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you.
Gangbanging a little girl's broken hymen never sounded so sweet. Thanks guys.
Turned on yet, ladies?
Yes, I know you kind of are. Bit of a tingle there. Still, I guess the joke's on you when the bad-boys are all gay. You'll get treated badly, alright... Carry on writing love letters to convicted serial killers.
I could go on and on, by the way. The music biz has been like this forever. In a sense we can take the word "baby" as originally deriving from the paedos. Really, if you think about it, why would you call a prospective sexual partner "baby"? Think about what that means. Honey, sugar - fine, makes sense. Does "baby" make sense? Did it ever?
"Breaking her heart" is code for breaking her vagina or his anus.
Some more random songs off the top of my head:
Rolling stones, brown sugar (nope, its not about a brown-skinned girl)
Britney, hit me baby one more time (obv.)
the Doors, back door man
alice (who the fuck is alice)
George michael, father figure
Supergrass, we're not supposed to
Stranglers, There's Always the (Golden Brown) Sun
Van Morisson, Brown Eyed Girl (yup, brown eye)
Suzanne vega - luka
Everything ever put out by any all-boy band.
Everything ever put out by any punk or heavy metal band. Some people have a hard time accepting the punk thing. "Punk" means a young rentboy who goes with older men. The whole thing screams gay degeneracy. Is it so hard to see?
Turns out it's pretty difficult on the whole to locate songs which aren't about murdering/raping kids, and/or being sodomised. Try it out.
Look, so the Circus are bullshit artists, right? We know that much. And they appear to know they're damned. But who are they taking with them? And do they really make a habit of raping and killing little kids, or is it a big horror show of smoke and mirrors like everything else they produce?
I don't know. Actually, I wonder if it even matters. We hear statistics of thousands of children disappearing every day. And the stories of babies' corpses being dug up in their hundreds and thousands at old Roman temples (whorehouses). Are these real stories, real statistics? Who knows? It could just be a big joke. "Let's, like, put out this wave after wave of really dark music and stories about killing kids, and see if they buy it!" As if they had a moment's doubt.
They certainly pick up plenty of kids from orphanages, and circumcise and sodomise them to initiate them. They paid homage to Great Ormond St in the recent Olympic ceremony for just this reason. But I don't know if they kill some as well. It's possible. They're big and brave enough for that. And they may get something out of it, some kind of energy, or at least a bloodbuzz. Worshippers of Kali would know well where the adrenaline gland's at.
But if so, with something like that, they would HAVE to tell us they're doing it. By whatever cosmic law, they are well aware that they must broadcast it, or they'll never get away with it. They must have consent. If it falls on deaf ears, then so be it. Ironic when its being blared into our impressionable teenage ears at stereo-busting volume levels, over and over again. And we get drunk to it, and fuck to it. That makes us part of the Cult, right? If that wouldn't, what would? How about broadcasting images of Cybele/Mary Poppins and her child-snatchers to (allegedly) a billion TV viewers?
There's other stuff going on, too, that we're totally ignorant about. Something astrological. Something to do with the true history of the world. The fall of man. But what can we say about that? We're just way too fucking dumb, still. All we can say, with certainty, is that we are complicit, until we expressly take away our complicity. Silence is complicity. And he who is complicit, it is as if he too committed the act.
Raping and murdering children, or being sodomised.
And this theme continues to this day.
Let's look at some music of the 'nineties:
Pearl Jam, Animal:
One, two, three, four, five against one
Five, five, against one
Torture from you to me
Abducted from the street
I'd rather be I'd rather be with I'd rather be with an animal
Why would you wanna hurt me? Oh Oh, so frightened of your pain
Cool, man. *Does hand-horns thing*
Pearl Jam, Blood:
Spin me round, roll me over, fuckin' circus Stab it down, one way needle, pulled so slowly
Drains and spills, soaks the pages, fills their sponges It's my blood, it's my blood
Paint Ed big, turn Ed into one of his enemies
It's my blood, it's my blood, it's my blood
Stab it down, fill the pages, suck my life out Maker of my enemies,
take my Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
Pearl Jam, Daughter:
Don't call me daughter, not fit to The picture kept will remind me
Don't call me
She holds the hand that holds her down
Nirvana, Smells Like Teen Spirit:
She's over bored
And self assured
Oh no, I know
A dirty word
hello, how low?
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
Nirvana, In Bloom:
Sell the kids for food (fast food rumoured to contain meat from lost kids, btw)
Weather changes moods
Spring is here again
Reproductive glands
We can have some more
Nature is a whore
Bruises on the fruit
Tender age in bloom
Nirvana, Lithium:
I like it
I'm not gonna crack
I miss you
I'm not gonna crack
I love you
I'm not gonna crack
I killed you
I'm not gonna crack
Nirvana, Polly:
Polly wants a cracker
Think I should get off of her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
{Polly said}
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
Nirvana, Heart Shaped Box
Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back
Nirvana, Rape Me (kind of self-explanatory):
Rape me, my friend
Rape me again
I'm not the only one
Do it and do it Again
Waste me
Taste me, my friend
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Soundgarden, Like Suicide:
Heard it from another room
Eyes were waking up just to fall asleep
Love's like suicide
Dazed out in a garden bed
With a broken neck lays my broken gift
Just like suicide
And my last ditch
Was my last brick
Lent to finish her
Finish her
With eyes of blood
And bitter blue
How I feel for you
I feel for you
She lived like a murder
How she'd fly so sweetly
She lived like a murder
But she died
Just like suicide
Pearl Jam, Alive
Oh, she walks slowly, across a young man's room
She said I'm ready...for you
I can't remember anything to this very day
'Cept the look, the look...
Oh, you know where, now I can't see, I just stare...
Is something wrong, she said
Well of course there is
You're still alive, she said
Oh, and do I deserve to be
Is that the question
And if so...if so...who answers...who answers...
Pearl Jam, Deep
Oh, on the edge of a know-nothin' town
Feelin' quite superior, the aged come
To the sky above he just ain't nothin'
But he's got a great view, and he sinks a burning knife deep, yeah...
Ooh, can't touch the bottom
In too deep, yeah...uh huh, can't touch the bottom
In too deep...
On the edge of a Christmas clean love
Young virgin from heaven...visiting Hell
To the man above her, she just ain't nothin'
And she doesn't like the view
She doesn't like the view (2x)
But he sinks himself deep
Oh, can't touch the bottom
In too deep, yeah...oh, can't touch the bottom
Can't touch the bottom
Deep, yeah
Oh, the bottom
Pearl Jam, Release
Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me
I'll open up...Release me...
Release me (3x)
Nirvana, Scentless Apprentice
Like most babies smell like butter
his smell smelled like no other
he was born scentless and senseless
he was born a scentless apprentice
Go away - get away, get away, get a-way
every wet nurse refused to feed him
electrolytes smell like semen
I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets
there are countless formulas for pressing flowers
I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms
Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume
You can't fire me because I quit
Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit
Heart-Shaped Box
She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for a week
I was drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black
Milk It
I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins
Doll steak, test meat
I won my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my shit
My shit is her milk
Doll steak, test meat
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Obituary birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery
Mr Big (says it all), To Be With You
Stand up, little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on, baby, come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you'll feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you.
Gangbanging a little girl's broken hymen never sounded so sweet. Thanks guys.
Turned on yet, ladies?
Yes, I know you kind of are. Bit of a tingle there. Still, I guess the joke's on you when the bad-boys are all gay. You'll get treated badly, alright... Carry on writing love letters to convicted serial killers.
I could go on and on, by the way. The music biz has been like this forever. In a sense we can take the word "baby" as originally deriving from the paedos. Really, if you think about it, why would you call a prospective sexual partner "baby"? Think about what that means. Honey, sugar - fine, makes sense. Does "baby" make sense? Did it ever?
"Breaking her heart" is code for breaking her vagina or his anus.
Some more random songs off the top of my head:
Rolling stones, brown sugar (nope, its not about a brown-skinned girl)
Britney, hit me baby one more time (obv.)
the Doors, back door man
alice (who the fuck is alice)
George michael, father figure
Supergrass, we're not supposed to
Stranglers, There's Always the (Golden Brown) Sun
Van Morisson, Brown Eyed Girl (yup, brown eye)
Suzanne vega - luka
Everything ever put out by any all-boy band.
Everything ever put out by any punk or heavy metal band. Some people have a hard time accepting the punk thing. "Punk" means a young rentboy who goes with older men. The whole thing screams gay degeneracy. Is it so hard to see?
Turns out it's pretty difficult on the whole to locate songs which aren't about murdering/raping kids, and/or being sodomised. Try it out.
Look, so the Circus are bullshit artists, right? We know that much. And they appear to know they're damned. But who are they taking with them? And do they really make a habit of raping and killing little kids, or is it a big horror show of smoke and mirrors like everything else they produce?
I don't know. Actually, I wonder if it even matters. We hear statistics of thousands of children disappearing every day. And the stories of babies' corpses being dug up in their hundreds and thousands at old Roman temples (whorehouses). Are these real stories, real statistics? Who knows? It could just be a big joke. "Let's, like, put out this wave after wave of really dark music and stories about killing kids, and see if they buy it!" As if they had a moment's doubt.
They certainly pick up plenty of kids from orphanages, and circumcise and sodomise them to initiate them. They paid homage to Great Ormond St in the recent Olympic ceremony for just this reason. But I don't know if they kill some as well. It's possible. They're big and brave enough for that. And they may get something out of it, some kind of energy, or at least a bloodbuzz. Worshippers of Kali would know well where the adrenaline gland's at.
But if so, with something like that, they would HAVE to tell us they're doing it. By whatever cosmic law, they are well aware that they must broadcast it, or they'll never get away with it. They must have consent. If it falls on deaf ears, then so be it. Ironic when its being blared into our impressionable teenage ears at stereo-busting volume levels, over and over again. And we get drunk to it, and fuck to it. That makes us part of the Cult, right? If that wouldn't, what would? How about broadcasting images of Cybele/Mary Poppins and her child-snatchers to (allegedly) a billion TV viewers?
There's other stuff going on, too, that we're totally ignorant about. Something astrological. Something to do with the true history of the world. The fall of man. But what can we say about that? We're just way too fucking dumb, still. All we can say, with certainty, is that we are complicit, until we expressly take away our complicity. Silence is complicity. And he who is complicit, it is as if he too committed the act.
Just in the same way that all disease has the same source/cause (indigestion, leading to filling up with shit from the inside until the body/mind suffocates and starves), so the "enemy" out there is all the same crowd. Jews, sodomites, bull-queers and butt-pirates, the actors' toilet-trading guilds, the Flying Circus, the puppet "governments" and "CEOs", Jesuits, paedo-priests of all religions (re-lesions), copraphiliacs, prostitutes, and so on. They're the same characters, in varying degrees of degeneration, blackmail-leverage and acting ability. And they're also the Corybantean-Atlantean tribe who got found out some 500 years ago and decided to wipe the slate clean, create a false circus-history and do it all over again.
They are all the effete version of MAN. They are all of woman, but they are not women per se, but the more degenerate gravy-eating form. You can spot a shit-eating grin from a way off. Most likely Jewish men are sterile, or at least not interested in women anyway, and not able to get much pleasure from the act due to having been circumcised and so four-fifths of the pleasure being taken away.
"Then too, homosexuality also seems to be related to circumcision... a study was made of admissions to a large Naval hospital. Of all admissions, 32% had been circumcised. Of all admission with the diagnosis of "overt homosexuality," 100% had been circumcised." John M. Foley, M.D.
A remarkable practice to visit on a newborn. Some ask whether infants can feel pain. Ruinur is tempted to answer in a physical manner. But then, that just might be... a bit gay.
Masculine sexual energy being taken away means they are less potent, less sharp, more crowd-like, and just generally more child-like. This makes their only "outlet" their "inlet", and makes them fascinated with children who they so resemble. Rather like pinching a vine at the bud, taking away the foreskin at birth arrests any kind of development of the critical masculine spirit, and then sodomy will stimulate their faecal fascination. So their unions require the seductive Jewess to cuckold-whore around with gentile MAN so she can replicate herself - like putting her out to stud. Does nobody ever think to ask why it is through women that Jewishness is supposedly passed? We can see then that its a chronic physiological phenomenon, and nothing to do with religion or race.
It's because woman as the barren clone can only clone herself, but requires the energy of MAN to do so. Men stopped being picky, stopped picking legitimate queens to mate with, so ended up humping a bunch of worker bees.
No doubt the empty echo of the age will cry out victimhood and anti-semitism, which is an age-old tactic and justified their phony holocaust-broadcast. More to the point, these views are anti-goyim, for if the goyim are deceived by the jews, then let them be deceived. This is a sound maxim of law, as anyone who has ever tried to "wake up" others knows. Peoples' readiness to see comes from within, and if they start to ask the right questions then they are ready. Teutons may be the greatest race we know of, but we are so often trusting fools, and this has been a deadly fault.
Not that the world is actually as bad as its made out; every news outlet (Jewish) cries bloody murder, and makes it all up. There's no spies, violent crime, viruses, nuclear weapons and perhaps not even any wars, just the odd building flattened here and there: instead there's just a bunch of very camp, very queer men and fag-hags buggering each other. Its not that bad at all; but in everyday interactions with people, where so much of the worth of life is to be harvested, it is that bad, in fact its far WORSE than the Flying Circus makes out. In their show-presentations, life in the city is all smart young men and women dressed well, talking fast, with massive apartments, with jobs that are either well-paid or amusing or what they were always meant to do in some artisanal sense; leisurely sleeping around and drinking endless cups of high-priced coffee.
The reality is that all small to medium sized towns and cities are zombie black holes of deadness and clones; this is less so in big cities like London and New York which still have fresh fish coming in all the time with stories from all over the planet. But go to, say, Cardiff city centre on a Friday night and see what you think of our social lives. The last three times Ruinur encountered UK students while in a bar - and these are the future! - we left with the impression that they seem genuinely retarded. And, god forbid you go to the suburbs - where even the will to die goes to die.
We currently feel that the Talmud and the Protocols are fake; but even so anyone with even half an alertness can see Jewry everywhere in the circus-fiction stuck in everyones' faces/faeces. Plus we've encountered Jews, who do have a curious sense of superiority, even when being friendly. They're quite streetwise (and don't they just know it!); they are "people persons" (crap phrase, that), but they only ever see what you can get, not what can be made.
Still, they get much right - not many Jews would be stupid enough to be suckered into the kind of slavery
that other races consent to. Get them to dig the holes, right? Its not like all that sweaty labour or cubicle chain-ganging is doing the world a bit of fucking good, is it? So they kind of ape the old (correct) aristocratic notion that all that is of value in life is effortless - except, as always, kind of subvert it and get everyone else to do slavery. Which isn't the point, either.
Ruinur's been genuinely good friends with gays, who also have this sense - one old guy even expressing astonishment that Ruinur was "beautiful" and "brilliant" and yet not putting from the rough. Weirdly, in this topsy-turvy situation, some of the best men Ruinur has met have been gays. The funniest, the most switched-on; whereas straight men seem to be bitch-boys in varying degrees, so acting more gay than the gays. Out-gaying the mincers; a bit like Liam Gallagher, an over-compensatory act of trendy arrogance which just screams sodomy-lust.
Kind of funny how the men are conditioned to fancy men (the tranny supermodels) and women conditioned to fancy queers (just about everyone in the public eye). What women is going to go after the "straight guys" we see now? They're all varying degrees of queer - the gays are just the most cool about it - and of course women want a chase, not the sex-starved hungry bitch-boy-lapdog-cuckolds who display their underpants and ask permission to live and breathe in their presence.
Certainly then the disease confronting humanity now, which is in an advanced stage, is the same as the cause of bodily disease - humanity is filling up with shite from inside, and there is more shit than blood. It's an issue of consumption and indigestion.
Analogously, "rising money supply", or inflation, is actually a lack of debt (faeces)-dissolving. The debt is there, and the corresponding credit also, but the credit is not meeting the debt for set off and clearing; there is something barring its way. In the case of the body it is mucus. In the case of society it is the jew-qabal. In the case of the finance environment it is continued discharge to a future date with bailment tokens; or banknotes.
So this situation continues, and the funny-notes are demanded more and supplied more, while less and less is actually getting paid for; in fact the debt continues to rise and sits there waiting for release. Exactly the same as faeces/mucus/pathogens/disease in the body.
So the blood becomes poorer and poorer, just as the funny-money becomes poorer and poorer, and the circulation must increase, organs heat up, vessels start to burst and haemorrage, and the body inflates just as "money inflates", which is simply a poverty of the body/mind which is ignorant of how to credit the body as it is a poverty of the society-group which is now ignorant of how to credit the currency.
Credit cards have created a fake, and frankly disastrous wealth, as it first seems that more credit is created, but of course it just creates even more debt, and with these illusory "interest rates", so it is compounded.
To add to which it's stupid people spending "money" on stupid things, plus it's women who have no idea how value is created or what is worth seeking or procuring. So things of value are no longer created, and things of value are destroyed - and we have now the utterly stupendous fact that history has been completely fabricated by the guild at the center of all this.
At least we've hit bottom. I remember the very silly Richard Dawkins once saying something to the effect of, if there were a God, how can there be phenomena like the beetle who gets paralysed by a wasp and gets eaten alive from the inside by its larvae. Well, that's humanity right now. Men and women rot alive from the inside out, as does our society. Even getting tortured by Jack Bauer would be better, as it would be over quicker. And these days, many "men" and "women" might even enjoy it.
Still, the truer stories now emerging are actually wondrous, once you get past the shock of revelation; and the Golden Age is now truly upon us.
They are all the effete version of MAN. They are all of woman, but they are not women per se, but the more degenerate gravy-eating form. You can spot a shit-eating grin from a way off. Most likely Jewish men are sterile, or at least not interested in women anyway, and not able to get much pleasure from the act due to having been circumcised and so four-fifths of the pleasure being taken away.
"Then too, homosexuality also seems to be related to circumcision... a study was made of admissions to a large Naval hospital. Of all admissions, 32% had been circumcised. Of all admission with the diagnosis of "overt homosexuality," 100% had been circumcised." John M. Foley, M.D.
A remarkable practice to visit on a newborn. Some ask whether infants can feel pain. Ruinur is tempted to answer in a physical manner. But then, that just might be... a bit gay.
Masculine sexual energy being taken away means they are less potent, less sharp, more crowd-like, and just generally more child-like. This makes their only "outlet" their "inlet", and makes them fascinated with children who they so resemble. Rather like pinching a vine at the bud, taking away the foreskin at birth arrests any kind of development of the critical masculine spirit, and then sodomy will stimulate their faecal fascination. So their unions require the seductive Jewess to cuckold-whore around with gentile MAN so she can replicate herself - like putting her out to stud. Does nobody ever think to ask why it is through women that Jewishness is supposedly passed? We can see then that its a chronic physiological phenomenon, and nothing to do with religion or race.
It's because woman as the barren clone can only clone herself, but requires the energy of MAN to do so. Men stopped being picky, stopped picking legitimate queens to mate with, so ended up humping a bunch of worker bees.
No doubt the empty echo of the age will cry out victimhood and anti-semitism, which is an age-old tactic and justified their phony holocaust-broadcast. More to the point, these views are anti-goyim, for if the goyim are deceived by the jews, then let them be deceived. This is a sound maxim of law, as anyone who has ever tried to "wake up" others knows. Peoples' readiness to see comes from within, and if they start to ask the right questions then they are ready. Teutons may be the greatest race we know of, but we are so often trusting fools, and this has been a deadly fault.
Not that the world is actually as bad as its made out; every news outlet (Jewish) cries bloody murder, and makes it all up. There's no spies, violent crime, viruses, nuclear weapons and perhaps not even any wars, just the odd building flattened here and there: instead there's just a bunch of very camp, very queer men and fag-hags buggering each other. Its not that bad at all; but in everyday interactions with people, where so much of the worth of life is to be harvested, it is that bad, in fact its far WORSE than the Flying Circus makes out. In their show-presentations, life in the city is all smart young men and women dressed well, talking fast, with massive apartments, with jobs that are either well-paid or amusing or what they were always meant to do in some artisanal sense; leisurely sleeping around and drinking endless cups of high-priced coffee.
The reality is that all small to medium sized towns and cities are zombie black holes of deadness and clones; this is less so in big cities like London and New York which still have fresh fish coming in all the time with stories from all over the planet. But go to, say, Cardiff city centre on a Friday night and see what you think of our social lives. The last three times Ruinur encountered UK students while in a bar - and these are the future! - we left with the impression that they seem genuinely retarded. And, god forbid you go to the suburbs - where even the will to die goes to die.
We currently feel that the Talmud and the Protocols are fake; but even so anyone with even half an alertness can see Jewry everywhere in the circus-fiction stuck in everyones' faces/faeces. Plus we've encountered Jews, who do have a curious sense of superiority, even when being friendly. They're quite streetwise (and don't they just know it!); they are "people persons" (crap phrase, that), but they only ever see what you can get, not what can be made.
Still, they get much right - not many Jews would be stupid enough to be suckered into the kind of slavery
that other races consent to. Get them to dig the holes, right? Its not like all that sweaty labour or cubicle chain-ganging is doing the world a bit of fucking good, is it? So they kind of ape the old (correct) aristocratic notion that all that is of value in life is effortless - except, as always, kind of subvert it and get everyone else to do slavery. Which isn't the point, either.
Ruinur's been genuinely good friends with gays, who also have this sense - one old guy even expressing astonishment that Ruinur was "beautiful" and "brilliant" and yet not putting from the rough. Weirdly, in this topsy-turvy situation, some of the best men Ruinur has met have been gays. The funniest, the most switched-on; whereas straight men seem to be bitch-boys in varying degrees, so acting more gay than the gays. Out-gaying the mincers; a bit like Liam Gallagher, an over-compensatory act of trendy arrogance which just screams sodomy-lust.
Kind of funny how the men are conditioned to fancy men (the tranny supermodels) and women conditioned to fancy queers (just about everyone in the public eye). What women is going to go after the "straight guys" we see now? They're all varying degrees of queer - the gays are just the most cool about it - and of course women want a chase, not the sex-starved hungry bitch-boy-lapdog-cuckolds who display their underpants and ask permission to live and breathe in their presence.
Certainly then the disease confronting humanity now, which is in an advanced stage, is the same as the cause of bodily disease - humanity is filling up with shite from inside, and there is more shit than blood. It's an issue of consumption and indigestion.
Analogously, "rising money supply", or inflation, is actually a lack of debt (faeces)-dissolving. The debt is there, and the corresponding credit also, but the credit is not meeting the debt for set off and clearing; there is something barring its way. In the case of the body it is mucus. In the case of society it is the jew-qabal. In the case of the finance environment it is continued discharge to a future date with bailment tokens; or banknotes.
So this situation continues, and the funny-notes are demanded more and supplied more, while less and less is actually getting paid for; in fact the debt continues to rise and sits there waiting for release. Exactly the same as faeces/mucus/pathogens/disease in the body.
So the blood becomes poorer and poorer, just as the funny-money becomes poorer and poorer, and the circulation must increase, organs heat up, vessels start to burst and haemorrage, and the body inflates just as "money inflates", which is simply a poverty of the body/mind which is ignorant of how to credit the body as it is a poverty of the society-group which is now ignorant of how to credit the currency.
Credit cards have created a fake, and frankly disastrous wealth, as it first seems that more credit is created, but of course it just creates even more debt, and with these illusory "interest rates", so it is compounded.
To add to which it's stupid people spending "money" on stupid things, plus it's women who have no idea how value is created or what is worth seeking or procuring. So things of value are no longer created, and things of value are destroyed - and we have now the utterly stupendous fact that history has been completely fabricated by the guild at the center of all this.
At least we've hit bottom. I remember the very silly Richard Dawkins once saying something to the effect of, if there were a God, how can there be phenomena like the beetle who gets paralysed by a wasp and gets eaten alive from the inside by its larvae. Well, that's humanity right now. Men and women rot alive from the inside out, as does our society. Even getting tortured by Jack Bauer would be better, as it would be over quicker. And these days, many "men" and "women" might even enjoy it.
Still, the truer stories now emerging are actually wondrous, once you get past the shock of revelation; and the Golden Age is now truly upon us.
Friday, 10 August 2012
The word "why" is the only question that one may never ask, for it is not a true question. "Why" asks for motive and intent, and these can never be known, even to the soul in question. "Why" leads to hysteria, anger and insanity. "Why" can never be answered except wrongly, and will remain a liability for all time.
Stick with "what" and "how", and you shall remain AsKing.
Stick with "what" and "how", and you shall remain AsKing.
Men of the world, what do you say when you know that you need nothing, want for nothing? That all you are to do is give, and give some more? That you are the limitless wellspring of all fertility, wealth and joy? That when you cease taking what you is not yours, you live forever?
Birds and Bees
Men and women are opposites. Women are reflections of men, they are men inside-out.
Men are rising, levity. Of peace, acceptance, beauty. They give, grant, make, take.
Women are descending, gravity. Of war, argument, ugliness. They want, need, lack, destroy, steal.
Men are like to great trees. Women are the birds who come and feed of man's fruit, spread his seed abroad, and sing in His branches. The generous man allows them to come and take their fill.
In a beehive 5% are men. All they do is fuck and choose queens. All workers are female. What is sweeter than Man?
Men are rising, levity. Of peace, acceptance, beauty. They give, grant, make, take.
Women are descending, gravity. Of war, argument, ugliness. They want, need, lack, destroy, steal.
Men are like to great trees. Women are the birds who come and feed of man's fruit, spread his seed abroad, and sing in His branches. The generous man allows them to come and take their fill.
In a beehive 5% are men. All they do is fuck and choose queens. All workers are female. What is sweeter than Man?
Mr Jones
These revelations may be the full stop to the sentence of the 400-year-old Flying Circus. When you see that James Brolin and George W Bush are the same underlying face, what then? Do you finally understand you are not a name, and that you no longer need create insane slave personas and say they are you?
These revelations may be the full stop to the sentence of the 400-year-old Flying Circus. When you see that James Brolin and George W Bush are the same underlying face, what then? Do you finally understand you are not a name, and that you no longer need create insane slave personas and say they are you?
3 books
Only three books are of use on a bookshelf. The King James Version, Black's Law Dictionary (any edition), and a decent etymology dictionary.
If you keep any documents signed by you that were not written by you, then you have made pledges, or slave-personas. Firstly comprehend you are not these pledges. Then do what you will - these slaves can work for you, too, unless you wish to terminate them.
If you keep any documents signed by you that were not written by you, then you have made pledges, or slave-personas. Firstly comprehend you are not these pledges. Then do what you will - these slaves can work for you, too, unless you wish to terminate them.
you have as much money as god. there is no money.
There is no money, or buying and selling, or lending and borrowing, or interest, or property.
There is transfer of title, memorialised by a number.
Having a gold standard is the same as having no gold standard. When you comprehend this, you comprehend that you are limitlessly wealthy, and always were.
Take a mortgage, which has three components. First you sign a Note, which creates and memorialises the money. The mortgage company writes down this memorial as a deposit via Treasury. Then you sign a contract, in which you promise to hand over title to more currency-number. This number looks a lot like the original number in the Note. Then you sign a Deed of Trust, making the mortgage company Trustee to your property, with a lien on it. So they can do as they will with it, unless you step in as Grantor and fire the Trustee. But who plays the game and even knows they may and do play as the Grantor?
Having a gold standard is the same as having no gold standard. When you comprehend this, you comprehend that you are limitlessly wealthy, and always were.
Take a mortgage, which has three components. First you sign a Note, which creates and memorialises the money. The mortgage company writes down this memorial as a deposit via Treasury. Then you sign a contract, in which you promise to hand over title to more currency-number. This number looks a lot like the original number in the Note. Then you sign a Deed of Trust, making the mortgage company Trustee to your property, with a lien on it. So they can do as they will with it, unless you step in as Grantor and fire the Trustee. But who plays the game and even knows they may and do play as the Grantor?
If you say "I am" followed by any more words, then you have created an insane-slave persona
The only exception is "I am that I am".
Take "I am hungry." So you're an adjective-word? Are you sure? Other languages say "I have hunger." Better, but still fraud. Btw the Portuguese word for "hunger" is "conforme".
The root of all suffering is thinking you are a name. Even your persona is not a name. It is a sigil which will either be credited and defended by your Word-Spirit, or it will be hijacked and stripped of everything you think it is. If you think it's you, then you will be stripped - of health, joy, wealth and spirit.
If you think you are a name on a piece of paper, then what happens when you hand this piece of paper to someone else? You may be bought and sold. You may be shut up in storage. You may be used to wipe somebodys arse.
Speak of yourself in the third person, or say "we". Ruinur does. You are not a name or a word, but you do make and credit many names, titles, masks, images. So do it. Knowingly. Play around, make fun.
Take "I am hungry." So you're an adjective-word? Are you sure? Other languages say "I have hunger." Better, but still fraud. Btw the Portuguese word for "hunger" is "conforme".
The root of all suffering is thinking you are a name. Even your persona is not a name. It is a sigil which will either be credited and defended by your Word-Spirit, or it will be hijacked and stripped of everything you think it is. If you think it's you, then you will be stripped - of health, joy, wealth and spirit.
If you think you are a name on a piece of paper, then what happens when you hand this piece of paper to someone else? You may be bought and sold. You may be shut up in storage. You may be used to wipe somebodys arse.
Speak of yourself in the third person, or say "we". Ruinur does. You are not a name or a word, but you do make and credit many names, titles, masks, images. So do it. Knowingly. Play around, make fun.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
The only true food for mankind is air. Make sure yours is fresh, clean and easy-moving. The only gross food fit to eat is fruit. Know this and you will never know sickness. The further it is from being ripe fruit picked by your own hand from the branch, the more it is to be disdained, and the more you will suffer for it.
the quickening
The only cure for any disease or wound - physical, mental, emotional or spiritual - is fasting. This may be accelerated by the application of living water.
There is anti-light just as there is anti-matter. Darkness is the absence of light, but it is not the opposite. There is no word in existence for the opposite of "is", except "I".
Do you know who you are and where you live?
You are not a name.
You live in the confines of your skin.
There is no such thing as money. Or rather, it vanishes the moment its made. Credit always equals debt. They cancel each other out. Banknotes are good-faith tokens, bailment, game-money. They do not buy anything. When you take from the supermarket, you are not paying for the goods. The receipt shows that if you do not pay, then the supermarket may claim that number value in currency from Treasury. And they do. This is securitisation.
Your credit is your faith. It is not a claim on collateral. There is no such thing as property. That is a legal fiction. The whole thing is fiction, a game.
Your credit is your faith. It is not a claim on collateral. There is no such thing as property. That is a legal fiction. The whole thing is fiction, a game.
There is no such thing as nuclear weapons. The images were fake. The actors involved were just actors. Japan was firebombed. There is no such thing as radiation poisoning.
The world is flat. No, I'm not joking, or being ironic, or metaphorical. If you think otherwise you have been brainwashed, and may wish to remedy this.
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